The Mental Health Setting Audit

A free tool from the Association of Mental Health in Education


Getting started

To get started, register for a free account at Please only register one account for a setting.

Next, once you are logged in, complete the Setting Details to begin.

Completing the Audit

Use the tabs at the top of the page to navigate through the 8 aspects of the setting audit. Score each item according to where your setting is now. There is a space for comments and action points (offering you the ability to not need for a separate action plan).

National averages

National averages are displayed on the website. These are dynamic, meaning that they are actual averages at the point you are viewing them, so as people update their audits these will change. As national averages do not reflect the contextual variables in your setting, they are included for comparison but should not be used as goals to attain.

Action Planning

The audit should lead to the identification of actions. These can be recorded on the audit, an existing development plan, or you can download a template below

Technical help

For technical help, please contact us.

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