Welcome to the Mental Health and Wellbeing Audit Tool for schools and colleges in the UK.
This evidence-based tool asks 45 questions relating to pupil mental health and wellbeing provision to help your setting be the best it can be.
Questions are based on the 2015 Public Health England and Department for Education’s document “Promoting children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing.”
This tool is free to use and provided by the Association of Mental Health in Education, the body representing the sector.

- Assess your setting against national standards;
- Complete one area at a time, no need to complete the whole audit at once;
- Add comments or record action points;
- Easily edit previous responses;
- View total scores and percentage scores for 8 key themes;
- Compare results to national averages;
- Edit entries.
To get started please register for an account.
Download your Action Plan template here: