The Mental Health Setting Audit

A free tool from the Association of Mental Health in Education

Leadership and Management

Leadership and Management

The Mental Health Setting Audit

Leadership and Management

8 There is a ‘Mental Health Lead’ and this role is seen as separate to the role of SENDCO, who they work with to meet the needs of those with complex difficulties.
9 The Mental Health Lead feeds directly into the School Management Team.
10 There is a whole-school Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy and Action Plan, including ensuring the wellbeing of staff and pupils.
11 The policy reflects any Department for Education (or equivalent), Public Health, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services or other relevant strategies.
12 The policy has been influenced by the local community, in addition to coproduction with parents/carers/pupils, to reflect the cultural community they are based in.
13 The Governing Body know their role in monitoring the social, emotional and mental health of pupils and staff.
14 There is a procedure in place for staff, including temporary personnel, parents and pupils to raise concerns relating to social, emotional and mental health.
15 Concerns raised by staff, parents or pupils are recorded and dealt with accordingly.
16 Exclusions, where given, can be used to increase effectiveness, for example, staff response or individual plans, are reviewed to avoid or reduce the likelihood of the incident or exclusion happening again.
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