The Mental Health Setting Audit

A free tool from the Association of Mental Health in Education

Staff Development

Staff Development

The Mental Health Setting Audit

Staff Development

23 The Mental Health Lead has had appropriate training to help them (a) have a good understanding of the risk factors associated with mental health difficulties; (b) to know the signs and symptoms of various mental health conditions; (c) to understand how to identify mental health needs earlier; and (d) apply their knowledge to support pupils.
24 There is regular staff training for all teaching and non-teaching staff on social, emotional and mental health topics, such as: (a) Disabilities and Medical Conditions (b) Social and Emotional Conditions (c) Mental Health Difficulties (d) Attachment (e) Mental Wellbeing (f) Multi-disciplinary Working.
25 Staff in high-risk roles receive supervision from someone independent of their line-management.
26 There is regular training for the Governing Body on their responsibilities for supporting staff and pupils in social, emotional and mental health.
27 Advice, support and guidance is in place for staff not commonly included in training, for example supply teachers, administrative staff or catering/lunch staff.
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